Friday 20 April 2007

They're HERE! And plan for knee-injury free running.


The shoes are here! Well they came on Tuesday but I have been so blah since then that I couldn't care less! But now I've had a bit more than the regular 8 hours a night and I'm feeling like I might actually GO for a run, then I'm pleased to announce that they have arrived! :D However my Race For Life pack still has not appeared, even after I called them and told them that it hadn't come and they'd said they'd resend it. Well no sponsorship for THEM!

Ok, so on Monday it will be 26 weeks until Amsterdam Marathon. 26 weeks, 26 miles. I conincidence I Think Not!!! So on Sunday my "long run" will be a WHOLE MILE! I know, please don't gasp and faint because of the huge insurmountable task that I have before me! I will slowly, cautiously jog a whole mile to the park, round and back again in my lovely pink trainers. I'm so happy!

A small part of me is thinking about giving up my gym membership. With 6.5 hours of kickboxing training a week at the moment and this event coming up that I have to train for... Well who has THAT much energy for chrissakes! I am going to make enquiries and see if I can suspend my membership, but only in a month or two because I still have my gym buddy here for another month or two and I will go if she goes (hello girlieness). Instead of weight-lifting I was thinking about getting my butt into the fresh air on my lunch times, even just quickly. Then I think I will make some sort of effort on a weekend day to get in some heavy-ish weights at home. Squats will be entertaining, but maybe I can substitute with overhead squats with a lighter weight. After all, I will have to be able to PRESS that weight over my head first! EEEKS!

So yes, running, this Sunday (FLM Sunday) will be a mile. Then next Sunday will be 2 miles, then the Sunday after that will be 3 etc etc. Joy joy joy! I might stand a chance of not getting injured if I build up this slowly. Hurrah for 26 weeks to go :D

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