Wednesday 29 August 2007

Horrid horrid nasty icky sicky run

I was aiming for 14 miles. Down to Hyde Park, round Green Park, round St James's Park and back home again. I got to the middle of Green Park and flopped under a nice shady tree with a Calippo and couldn't get going again!

First of all my brain wasn't really in it, I wanted to stay at home in bed and doze the day away. Then I started off feeling a bit sicky, but I had my sports drink and I stopped in at Tesco on Baker Street for a bottle of water. I was sweating profusely at the checkout! It was running down my cheeks like tears! My sports drink wasn't really quenching my thirst, so I had some water and was alternating water and SIS drink. Then SIS drink made me want to hurl. I tried to get over it, and reasoned that I needed the electrolytes and shiz that they put in those drinks. I tried diluting it at a water fountain in Hyde Park. I tried rinsing out the bottle and just drinking water, but the taste was still there and making me gag.

Then I stopped for some ice lolly goodness in the hot hot heat and watched the tourists take pictures of themselves in front of Buck house. I tried to make myself run again but my stomach was rebelling. I power walked to the top of Hyde Park and walked home from there. In the end I ran 8 miles and walked 4. A total of 12, but aiming for 14 and just getting a bit dehydrated and sun-strokey really bummed me out.

Next weekend I am away and I am planning to run the 16 miles into work. I am taking the morning off to do it! Unlike Helen who sneaks in 14 milers before work. There is so much wrong with that sentence!

Tonight I'm planning a tempo session. I hope I feel up to it because I had a disturbed night last night. I am disturbed. I was dreaming I had to flee the country and ended up living in France, but the ended up getting shot in the back! And then I met some strange guy who I lived next to in halls for a year... Oh the insanity! The reason I had to flee the country? My GCSE Biology teacher told me to... Oh and I had a hospital appointment and was meeting my Dad and was late and then ended up sobbing so hard it hurt. This was before escaping the country to be shot in a Parisian alleyway.

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