Monday 2 July 2007

Watford Race for Life - 5K

In around 40 minutes, which is fabby considering that 1)It was RAMMED with people and you couldn't run for the first kilometer, even if you'd wanted to! 2) It was MUDDY, so muddy people were being all girlie and squeamish. We even saw a frog, which of course made the majority of people scream! Oh dear! And 3) I was encouraging my baby runner along the course. She did really well! I'm proud!

In injury news, my knee was pain-free all yesterday. I ran with my support on but the majority of the running was on grass, so perhaps that helped. My toe not so much, but it is getting better. I was grumbling that it was all sore and swollen last night, but then DH reminded me that I had just run 5k on it, so I suppose it was allowed to be swollen and grumpy! Just like me!

DH took pictures of us. In all but 1 picture I look like Flabby Mc Lardarse. Blah! Methinks living on cakes is not a good thing!

I'm going to start taking this Intuitive Eating thing a little more seriously, now that "naughty" things are JUST FOOD. I think I will live without eating cake for a little while!

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