Wednesday 5 September 2007

16 miles of agony!

My long run started off nicely. Then around mile 4 my running (walking) partner decided he was hungry and wanted pizza! So we stopped for lunch and quickly got going again. We ran west along the Regent's Canal and I managed to keep up a fairly constant running pace. Around Alperton we were looking for the Brent river crossing the canal but we must've missed it and we ended up at Alperton Sainsbury's! Looking at the map it was clear we'd missed the Brent by about a mile! So we decided to get off the canal and run back home along the north circular road!

I managed to run/walk until just after the bridge after Ikea at Neasden. Then my ITBS started howling and I limped the last 4 miles home. Strangely enough it was my left knee that started hurting, rather than my right. My right was injured before and I always wear a knee support on that knee when I'm out running but I thought my left knee was cool with all the running. Seemingly not. So I have been icing, compressing, elevating and popping ibuprofen like a good 'un in the hopes that it might actually be sorted for the next long slog on Sunday.

I missed the gym yesterday - partially because I was in a meeting over lunchtime and was too faint with hunger to even contemplate walking there, and partially because I thought it would be an ample chance to rest my knee. I'm off to the gym today though and will catch up with what I missed yesterday. I'm scrapping the idea of a tempo run tonight and will probably just stay in and rest it.

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